Complexification of geophysical methods in researches on oil and gas
In researches on oil and gas at separate objects the enterprise carries out a complex of ground geophysical researches: seismic exploration, gravision detection, magnetizing, electric exploration.
The gravimetric exploration works allow obtaining data on the geological structure of the basement and the sedimentary cover, allocating oil-and-gas prospecting objects (sites) and, on the basis of specific geophysical features, together with seismic exploration and electric prospecting, forecasting their productivity.
According to the results of electrical works, geoelectric characteristics of the sedimentary layer are studied and on the basis of anomalies of the specific resistance of the studied complex, the forecast of oil-and-gas prospecting of various traps is carried out.
An example of the complexization of geophysical methods in the study of salt-dome structures on an example of the Andreevsky salt bar is shown in Fig.1.

Fig. 1. A composite card